Showcasing some projects that are either web apps or desktop apps suitable for downloads, including blogs on different topics of interest.
Latest blog posts :
- Two Envelopes paradox
- Analysis of living population density per countries
- Truel problem – solved with Jupyter / Python
- Publishing Visual Studio dotnet app to Linux
- Starting Blog
CalculatorNotepad is intended for easy calculations with support for user defined functions/formulas and rich set of integrated mathematical and probability functions.
It can be used as simple calculator with each line showing calculation result, but it also support user variables (storing results of previous calculations and using them in new calculations) and user defined functions that can be written as simple one line or multiline using integrated script language (or as c# functions in side panel). It is also suitable for simple simulation scenarios, with support for random numbers using different distributions and simulation aggregation functions.
It started as my proof of concept to create development IDE with powerful and yet simple interpreted language, but has since evolved to actual tool that I use while solving mathematical, probability or simulation problems. Recently I decided to publish it publicly on gitHub, and ReadMe on main page there contains more detailed description of CalculatorNotepad.
WordMind is game where goal is to guess target word in limited number of attempts. Similar to Mastermind, failed attempts will mark letters that are at exact correct place, those that are in target but somewhere else and those that do not exist in target. It is similar to ‘Wordle’ game but with support to more languages ( English, Serbian cyrillic and latin), configurable number of letters and word difficulty, ability to play more than once per day and coop option where one player set target word for other player(s) to guess.
Orao Emulator – web site
Orao(Eagle) emulator as Blazor web site
Orao(Eagle) is 8-bit ex-YU computer from 80’s. This app fully emulate Orao computer, allowing you to play with its integrated mini-assembler and BASIC, or to simply play some old games. Emulator is written using Blazor as responsive web site that works on desktop and mobile browsers.
Orao Emulator – web app
Orao(Eagle) emulator as Blazor WebAssembly
This version of emulator is written using Blazor WebAssembly as responsive web app that works on modern desktop and mobile browsers. It is progressive web app (PWA) and it can be installed as web app on desktops or mobile home pages and can be run off-line.
Truel solver– Jupyter document
Truel solver as Python based Jupyter notebook
This document presents solutions and analysis of different scenarios for “truel” problem :
Several people are doing duel. Given their probabilities to hit, what are probability of each of them to win and who should they choose as optimal initial target ?
Solution is based on Python with numba acceleration, presented in interactive Jupyter notebook. While above links lead to static HTML page with Truel analysis, there is also GitHub repository with Jupyter document and my Truel blog with summary.